Oh man, oh man. Sheesh. I'm feeling a little anxious lately. For one I just got back from my buddy's house where i realized I was rambling on an on to no end. Just motor mouth. We were enjoying a fire in his backyard because it was ladies night out, so we kicked it for a few. Then I peaced out. I was like "Sorry for rambling, I gotta go home and write this blog." He was like, "Cool." And I was all "Yeah, it's totally cool actually. Pretty cool, man."
Then after I posted the photo I realized that it's the fourth photo I've posted on the blog, of me wearing those Reed I Paths. Then I noticed that I had a photo with that same board a few posts ago. What the hell? Right? What the hell was going on I could not tell you. The board in the photo is a Ron Chatman pro model ATM Click from '93 or '94. That's what decks looked like in the early nineties. You always hear the stories. True.
Picture backside lipsliding a handrail with that popsicle stick. I prefer backside disaster to back lip. Always have. Why not just call it a backside disaster slide? Did you know that Canadians capitilize the first letter of a skateboard trick when they write about it? Backside Disaster. Double Frontside Kickflip. I was reading a copy of Canada's National Skateboard Magazine, "Skateboard", and I said to myself, "What is going on here?"
That being said, there are some great skaters born and raised up North. Rick Howie and Moses Itkonen to name a couple. Actually That's all I feel like thinking of right now. What happened to Moses? Loved that Mad Circle part.
Rambling again.... apologies, folks.
Oh yeah. Girls night out. I thought it would be a great oppurtunity for guy's night in. The last time Mrs. Feebs went out on the town with the gals I cooked myself a steak dinner and saddled up to some 70's and 80's television commercials on You Tube. Kid in a candy store, nah mean? I figured tonight I might skillet fry a burger and watch this several times: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h57LmkLOfqc
Lido's was a Saskatoonian establishment, coincidentally.
I've been seeing skaters shredding that corner of 43rd and Locust that I've been schralping over the years. Every weekend I end up at the CVS sans skateboard, looking across the street, seeing skaters of all ages putting truck to crete, and flipping and shove-iting all up and around one of my favorite West Phil stops. "I gotta get over there." I'll say aloud.
Well today I got over there and it was empty. I saw a few Gatorade bottles and Arizona cans laying about. I thought, "Cops just cleared them out." I took my chances and started frontside slappying the waxed curb. I'm more of a backside slappier so the frontside felt new and refreshing. I decided to take it over to the ledge that had been "skate proofed" maybe four months ago. Problem was they just placed upside down U s maybe eight feet apart from each other. So you can still do a little 50-50 or a nose slide if you prefer. Skaters can use the obstacles to their advantage to create exciting new combos. Like Nacho Cheese, or Classic Cheddar Cheese. I did a frontside nose slide, surprised that the trick was even in my repertoire. Followed it up with a fakie bigspin and a couple no comply variations. Just a solo party, as usual.
After I completed that mission I waltzed over to the- no wait. I did a couple frontside and backside smitties on the curb and a frontside half moon manual, then I sauntered on over to the CVS. Bought a package of frozen BUBBA burgers.