Friday, November 23, 2012

power slide cross the hardwood floor

These are the new Marc  Lakais.  Ha!  fooled you!  You thought they were sky blue sneakers.  Nope.  They are socks.  From Stance sock company.  Hey.  These are pretty great socks.  Are they really great?  I don't know.  They have a grippy tread thing going on.  I did a kick flip standing still whilst wearing them, but I also had the outer shell of a suede sneaker around them at the time so........

These socks are just fine, come on.  They're great.  My mom bought me a pair of Stance socks for Christmas last year and they are my favorite socks.  I wear them all the time when long sleeved socks are called for.  In the summer I wear ankle socks, but that is another post for another time.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November Mornings

The Lakai Marc's are still in the box.  I still have my second pair of KA-ONEs and a pair of VOX flim flammers in olive drab to tear through.  Getting there.  I figured I would share a review of two upper east coast breweries' winter seasonal offerings.  

Blue Point Brewing's White IPA and Harpoon's Winter Warmer.  The can of spiced up IPA looked like   a  Piels at first.  Upon closer inspection it shown a logo surrounded by intricate mosaic tile.  With the word "Fresh" graffitied above the left corner of "IPA"  I wasn't sure if this artwork was going for "class act" or "historic urban decay".  

Harpoon's label looked as it does every year.... classic green and red boughs of hollis motif.  

While the White IPA was going for wheat beer meets hop heavy ale, the Harpoon goes for a stickier, maltier sort of approach.  When the brisk air is snapping and stinging, we can seek sound shelter with these delicious brews.