I can't take the time to learn how to embed videos right now so you'll have to settle for clicking on the above link. It gives you an idea of this local legend's immeasurable prolific style.
Ant sent a text message my way late Friday night. It suggested an early morning skate session. I was down.
He showed up at my house around 10:00 am the next day. We discussed some breakfast and coffee. Not two blocks from my house I spied the Honest Tom taco truck and told him to pull over. While he parked his van, I ordered up four breakfast tacos. They wrote my name down on a list and when Ant showed up on the scene he ordered some coffee. The ordering system was somehow amazingly confusing and disorienting, though I think it may be due to mass amounts of people ordering and then promptly disappearing into the bowels of the Clark Park flea market.
The poor girl was standing there calling out name after name, seemingly unable to read her own handwriting. Finally she called out my name and Ant swiftly yelled "Here!", grabbed the taco and handed it to me. I normally would have found this operation frustrating and maybe Ant would have as well, but maybe because we were together we were able to rationalize it as a ZEN-like taco/coffee experience. They make each taco to order and the coffee is brewed via french press yielding maybe four cups at a time. The result is a painfully slow wait on a busy day.
Yet when we relaxed and went with the random flow of this taco truck, we were somehow able to finagle our way ahead of people not listening for their names as taco girl went down the list. Before we knew it we had not four tacos and two cups of coffee as originally ordered, but instead three tacos and one cup of coffee. That's all we paid for and would you believe, that's all we needed.
After a quick taco crushing and coffee cup sharing session we skated over to Ant's van. Luckily he had parked right in front of one of my favorite spots, the yellow parking blocks across the street from UPenn's pharmacy school. We crushed the blocks with fifty fifties and boardslides. I even managed to throw down this blog's titular trick, opting for a backside smit to feeb of the stalled variety.
We jumped in the van and headed down to FDR. Ant had some Red Hot Chili Pepper's Mother's Milk going on and it was blowing our minds how funkified it was. Even more than we seemed to remember. At one point we sat at a red light at Broad and Pattison for ten minutes before realizing the light was broken. That's how mellowed out we were.
Once we got to the park we wasted no time taking up roost on the empty mini ramp. Ant threw down rock and rolls and nose grab frontside kickturns, and I went for backside nosegrab kickturns and... more backside kickturns.
We considered heading up to the new Port Richmond skatepark, Pop's Playground, thus making the day's outing a trifecta of spots. Then Ant's friend, Dan showed up to the park so we decided to continue the daily grind right there at the FDR. Dan is a metal worker/sculptor. We watched him shred the bowls on the south side of the park for a while. There were a couple of small steep banks and transitions in the parking lot area and I really wanted to session them but there were vehicles blocking the way. Then the vehicles dissapeared and the abandoned obstacles were there for the sessioning. Dan joined us for some carves, rock and rolls and ollie transfers on this little meeting of concrete tranny. I eased a rock fakie on the bank to cinderblock cap and it felt good. Ant was laying waste to the lip of a steep three foot high quarter with rock to rolls. We hit up the mini again then bid farewell.
FDR is something else. The park itself is filled with skaters old and young, beginners to veterans and all points inbetween. The parking lot is a whole other story. We saw dudes setting up turntables, hats tilted sideways while drinking mystery punch from red cups. Sports cars with fancy rims pumping up the volume on the stereos. Raver kids, possibly on ecstacy, getting down to the urban environ. It's a hodge podge.
I'd like to thank Ant and Dan for a quick but quality Saturday session.
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