Friday, May 23, 2008

Bitter Pill Transfer

I wanted to skate so bad today. The sky was full of beauty, the breeze was breezy. I would have loved nothing more than to blow off work and ollie up and down many curbs.

Skateboard magazines consistently have these lame intros like, "Just skate. Skate for the fun of it. Blow off work and just skate. Skateboarding comes from the soul. " Easy for you to say. At the end of a hard days work it can be pretty tough to say, "Okay, time to shred."
Even worse is when the editor's note starts talking about skateboarding like it's some kind of holy lifesaver. Yeah, we get it. It's awesome, everyone who's been doing it since they were ten and has stuck with it thinks its awesome. Those Transworld videos, and countless others that followed the same structure, are so god awful annoying with the voice overs. "It's just skating." so many dudes seem to say. "Pure." "Just skating, man." Yeah, we got that after you and your teamates said it a hundred times. "There's nothing else like it." Okay.

At the same time, that's exactly how I feel about it. If someone were to ask me, "Why is skateboarding so important to you?" I would end up saying the same shit.
"I don't know man, it's like.. my best friend."

Tonight I fired up some steaks on the grill. while I was at it I grilled some romaine lettuce for a caesar salad. Grilled Caesar! It was awesome. Just grilled lettuce, bro. Just pure eating. Shredding.

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