Wednesday, May 21, 2008

switch stance acid drop

What's up with all this overuse of the word "random"? Has anyone noticed this? "it was totally random" this, and "in a random gesture" that. Enough of this trendy word. At the same time I think the word AWESOME will remain just that forever and evs.

I wanted to write about the famous yet forgotten RAT CURBS of Penns Landing, but that will have to wait until I get my facts straight. In the same breath I have to mention the Sundial which would be a sidebar in the RAT CURB article. I got a chance to skate the sundial before it was laid waste by... Penns Lands maintenance crew? In any case, it was a great spot to do a rock fakie or fakie rock. The RATCURBS was one of my favorite spots of all time. I miss it every time I ride by. Sigh.

I used to session it with longtime bro, Larry Burns. He liked to skate really dangerous spots. We would set up camp at this sidewalk bump on University Ave and the whole time Larry would be skating in the street right where Lancaster Ave curves into 38th street. Cars turning full speed into the right hand turn while Larry is trying to switch heel into the emergency room. It got me thinking about skating in the warehouses of northern philadelphia and all the dusty floors and pipes sticking out of walls and plenty of random stuff to bash your head into.

Today I managed to ollie into the future and fakie ollie into the past, if only for a short moment.

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