Sunday, December 13, 2015

John Sonner?

My buddy Brian Von Bargs used to do this trick on quarter pipes.  He was so sick.  Feebs down handrails, late back foot flips, manual kickflip out.  Not only was his bag of tricks deep, but he had style to boot.  This little curb version is my tribute.  Thanks for all the inspiration, Brian.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Get Up, Come On Get Down With The Oldness

  Here I am performing a low impact skateboard maneuver.  I have come to expect this from myself even when I daydream about executing something brawnier, ballsier, burlier or at least more technical.  I sit at work, the moment of "clock out" slowly approaching, and I think about one of the shitty parking lots I'll pass on the way home.  Visions of tail slides front and back, 360 flips, varial heels, nose grinds,  an ollie down something beyond a three stair.   I usually opt for something closer to this one footer.

  It's cool though.  I'm happy to be flopping my body around this urban decay at all.  Goal for the upcoming months is to land two of the above listed jams.  A sketchy right knee that seizes up every couple of months is certainly a hinderance.  I've been digging through my closet for my knee brace the past couple days.  It's around here somewhere!

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Okay.   I know I'm throwing out a lot of "the sole on this shoe is great, this one is okay, this one is adequate, this color way is sick, let's talk about board width" vibe…. but, that's just where I'm at right now and that's what's speaking to me.  I appreciate how skateboards and skate shoes and clothes and whatever, have changed  over the years.  For the better!  The times they are a changing.   I started this post with a means to an end in mind.  I quickly forgot it, and washed up on the shore of this Rob Welsh bit.   Rob Welsh is the man, no holds barred and no bars held.