Friday, November 27, 2009


This is Zang Sign sealing the deal on a 5-0 in Clark Park. Zang is a humble dude for sure. Totally, for sure.. and therefore.. his skate style is not as "low-impact" as he might have you believe. On this day he was riding a Zip Zinger and ended up cracking it behind the front truck on a B/S 180 ollie. He kept skating it anyway, popping shove-its, manuals and the uber-impressive nollie flip, basically zip zanging his way towards oblivion.
Zang Sign, you're one in a million. Keep rolling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like your blog alot! don't you hate how the music in alot of norwegian black metal is so cool, but the "singing" is just unbearable!? ME TOO!