Friday, June 24, 2011

spaghetti whorehouse?

This was a title for a post that I thought of way back in April. An April Fool's day sort of thing.

That movie. That's the same chick from the "ASo you married an axe murderer." right?

It's no joke that my new favorite local brew is Sly Fox in a can. I love this stuff. I used to barely like it. What happened? Something wild. I realized their pils was running rampart. The pale ale was a pale comparison to itself in a mirror, rendering it double positive. Their version of the hefeweiss had some kind of canned glory in mind. ....
I can't even remember what I was getting at. Am I looking for a beer sponsor? Hey man. As vice squads go, the beer squadron is pretty good. Hanging out next to wine snobs? It's a pitfall sort of approach. You never know when a good thing will start sucking, or a sucky thing will blossom into a beautiful flower. Case in point: frontside bigspins vs bigspins in general, front , back, flip, shove...

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